Sunday, May 22, 2011

 Drastic change (men's edition)

There comes a time in everyone's haircut history where they feel like they just have to do something "different". Whether it's for a job interview, or you just felt the need for a new look, sometimes total opposite is just..BETTER.

Take Chris for instance. Chris had the ultimate shag haircut. It fell in just the right way , the "shake" was perfect. However, after finding a new job that required a more clean cut look, he came to me and asked me to work my magic on him. So, after a significant removal of length, a bit of point cutting to add texture, and some American Crew Fiber, he went from being shag to fab in 56 minutes.

Cory's story is similar but different. I'd been cutting his hair for about a year or two and he had the exact same haircut. Skater style, every hair moving in the same direction, and the ever popular flip that flowed so well. One random day he comes in and wants to go shorter for the summer, but not SO short that it changed his overall look (too much). So we shortened the back and the sides, texturized the top, but left some length so the flip could still be there, but if he wanted to versatility of a little "messiness" on top, it'd still be there.

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